8th January 2021. Mariscos Castellar has donated more than 5300kg of food products to the local Food Bank Foundation, to be distributed among people that are currently in a vulnerable situation.
The company specialized in preparation and distribution of seafood products, with headquarters in Jaen, started this campaign long ago. This donation occurs yearly, so this tough year was no exception; in this occasion, the volume of the donation was doubled due to the serious crisis caused by the pandemic.
This donation consisted in 8 pallets full of fish, vegetables, pre-cocked food and frozen desserts, divided in different batches. The donation reached the NGO facilities in Jaen shortly after the dispatch.
Mariscos Castellar has doubled this year’s donation
CEO’s of the company, Josefina and Francisco García Calero, expressed their satisfaction at collaborating with the charity: ‘’This may seem a little help, but we wanted to collaborate somehow by doing our part to alleviate as far as possible the enormous shortages that people are struggling nowadays’’.
‘’That is the main reason the company decided to double the contribution, with more than five tons worth of food. As for us, we take the chance to encourage the collective solidarity and contribute with anything to social and charity organizations, such as the Food Bank, which work for the most vulnerable and needy’’, stated the Mariscos Castellar CEO’s.